Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Holidays

Hello January!

I know! I have been missing for a few days now ever since the holidays. Christmas and New Year are the season that I have always been waiting for every year. It's when you are richer, healthier and in a I don't care diet. Guilt free season to indulge yourself with all the rewards you can give yourself and your love ones for the year.

I pretty much ended the year with good stuff. I got promoted again but not getting vocal about it just yet, got a new car, got my family a new huge tv and I think alot more stuff. But one thing I wish for is that I wish my dad is here to see all these things.  I still miss you every single day.
On a lighter note,before I start to cry a bucket of tears, I'm going to tell you what happened last Christmas. I had no time to make an entry even if I wanted to because I was really in a rush to make some last minute Christmas shopping. BB and I braved the thank-goodness-not-traffic C5 and headed to Tiendesitas to get Leila a gift and some more gifts.

Doing some car checks and gas before the Tiendesitas trip/

Finished at 7pm and stores are starting to close.

Went home at BB's and little did I know they are having a Christmas Party. So around 9pm they started the amusing program and games. They even made me dance. =))

The neighbors all had to bring a dish.

It was such a feast!

Nachos, Pasta, roasted chicken, BBQ, chicken lollipops and more...

More food.

They even rented a a mobile.

It was a really fun night. But I had to leave and rush to the Gov.'s place for another dinner.
I was really full from my boyfriend's neighbor's party but I cannot resist the Governor's dishes for the night. They had Peking Duck. Oh yum...

We had karaoke that night and finished past 2am I think. So we called it a night and headed back home to open our gifts.

Guess who was super kaduper happy to open her gift?

That morning, relatives are comming for a visit.

So who had a Christmas outfit?

Hey baby, bored?

Mother's famous baked macaroni well, she used those wheels this time.

Irene's bbq.


I wnt crazy about the buffalo wings!

New Year was pretty much the same. We had a few fireworks (below) and ate maki, roast beef and more.
I think I got sick after the festivities.

I just can't wait for the gym stuff this January.
Getting ready for summer :)

Getting ready for Boracay this February.




Hope you had a blast.


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