Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Break Out: Day 7

Hi you guys!  I know I made an entry back in July I think about breakouts and stuff like that. So yes let me give you an update.  I bought lots of products and I was really impatient. So the next day I had to go to the dermatologist to get a shot of cortisone. It did subside faster and dried up in a few days.

It was a killer picture moment for those huge zits. But anyway its there and all I have to do is just be patient that it goes away. By the way, when I went to the dermatologist, she gave me some prescriptions which I didnt buy. I did regret it tho because the month after I was having the same cystic problems. So last week I finally bought what was written in the prescription. I made sure to research first on the products and reviews. Some gave different feedbacks and I ended up "what the heck! Ill just try it for myself"

So here it is. I started last Wednesday and it has been a week that I have been using these products.

First Day:

Sorry Im just using my phone to take a pic. But here it is the red patches near my jaw which appeared.  Just huge!

So in the morning, I have Benzoyl Peroxide where my zits are and where I happen to have my zits before.

This does't feel like Panoxyl. I don't know but Panoxyl doesn't work for me for some strange reason. 
This costs around a little below 300 pesos for a 15g tube. It doesn't feel that mentholly (you know that cold sensation)

Every night after washing my face and doing some facial cleanser, I put on a think layer of Stieva-A. I was prescribed on a .25%.  After that I just pray it works.

In the morning I wash my face again and put on Benzoyl and Moisturizer.

So today is exactly one week.

There it is! :) I also have my hair up most of the time. It is still along way to go :) Im giving it 3 months to see the results.

What I have noticed that has happened:

-The pores along the sides (between my eyes and nose) have gone smaller.
-Blackheads in that area has been removed!  :)
-Skin peeling (more like flaking) along the nose and sides of my cheeks. That's why you should put moisturizer in the morning.
-Smoother and softer skin.
-Blackheads on my nose has reduced.

I'll blog again after a week and we'll see. :)

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