Brunchner is my very own description for breakfast lunch and dinner.
Waleed and I often go out on weekends. So Monday to Fridays are workaholic days where our normal routine includes waking up late, coffee and running to work. I would pray that weekends are tomorrow but then we would always go out. So rest days doesn't really mean lying down and sleeping all day.We don't go to fancy restaurants, we would always eye what we think is reasonable and worth it. He would be in
heaven with Mcdo ordering 3 burgers (imagine that) and still look so tough meaning "buff" yeah with the "" due to the fact that he's a big guy plus he looks tough and cuddly all at the same time.
Weekend activities are: going to ukay ukay, eating pizza, dvd marathon,cleaning the house, internet galore, going to Greenhills, eating, business errands , shopping and eating and so on. ( Im sure you read eating like how many times)
Just this weekend after our Banchetto tripping, I already slept around past 5am and got up around 3pm. This means that there's nothing much that I can do that's going to be productive. Remember from the last entry that I took home the crab and baked macaroni for lunch? I didn't enjoy the crab that much. I thought it was spicy but it didn't really bring out the flavor of the crab to it. I'd rather go to Quiapo to our favorite place which we call the "pink" Halal restaurant, even though its not pink according to Waleed's nephew. Its Orange. Oh I'm missing it right now.
Here comes Sunday.We went to run some errands for the sideline we have before checking the car we are about to purchase. Since I woke up around 2pm, we headed straight to Eastwood to pick up some stocks. (check It was almost 4pm when we arrived to our second destination which is in the East. The guy we are meeting with will not be available until half past 5, so I already felt hungry.
It was too late for lunch, too early for dinner. We went to Sta. Lucia to stroll for a while and grab somthing to eat. I was checking on Yoshinoya at first remembering what my mother craved about the 7 spices. But my eyes went straight for Cabalen which is beside Yoshinoya. Yummmm it was Merienda time and boy o boy o boy mouth watering. Upon checking the buffet for merienda they have spaghetti, lugaw, dinuguan, bulalo, pancit and some puto. Everything looks so yummy and Haram (meaning it's not allowed) for Waleed. So we had to settle with the lunch/dinner buffet that they have.

Price is 298. It's a brunchner for us. Again, I had to control myself not to overwhelm myself. I quickly studied what I was getting seeing that Waleed had his plate full of Beef Caldereta. I had Kare-Kare, crispy kangkong and rice which seems to me like bagoong rice. I told myself that I am going to document everything and everyplace that we go to. Which reminds me that i have to look for the battery of my other camera since the DSLR is too heavy for this kind of food trippings.
Hmmm a great shot was Waleed's plate but then before I can even take a picture of what he had on his plate it was gooooonnneee! =( so no choice I took mine.
No kidding I was hungry. This was only a sample shot. =) Must eat. I was up for 2 rounds only. On the other hand boyfriend had 3 full rounds of beef. The reason? It was his breakfast,lunch and dinner. He might have missed the midnight snack.
Aside from what we had, they also had partly the merienda on the lunch/dinner buffet which kinda got me disappointed. Isn't that if you avail the 298 you should be getting something else from the menu? Well, aside from the puto and merienda stuff they had along, they served Tapa ng Kalabaw which I had a bite. It was argh. I mean that was my taste buds. It was sour and there's an alcoholic taste to it. But after a while I got the hang of it. What I suddenly imagined was the movie Baler where Ann Curtis gave the spaniards this kalabaw (if im not mistaken).
Anyway, moving forward.... in buffets like this I always look forward for desserts. What I enjoyed was making my own halo-halo. I loooove halo halo! <3 Although I hate it when its all gulaman. So, it was my time to make my own.
My "No syrup" halo halo
Waleed created his own version. The buffet table had ginataan na halo halo and he mixed it with ice. He said it was the greatest. I told him it was still ginataan. He said he poured Coconut milk. I totally said it was still ginataan. He said ok.
It looks yummier than my halo halo.
Over all 300 pesos is worth it for each.
Again, we went home stuffed and satisfied. *burp*
That's why my vow to lose the scale goes onnn forever. =)